Welcome to the website of the "you have control" study

and thank you for your interest!

We are looking for airline pilots to participate in our study by completing an online questionaire, which is held completely anonymous.

As a pilot you are expected to work in a highly demanding environment - but do we really know how this environment interacts with humans and their mental and physical health?

Our study demands to bring answers to this topic - in order to indentify possible influencing factors, eventually improving flight safety!

If you are an airline pilot, we need your help to achieve this goal, because only hard facts and concrete data can make a change!

We are well aware of the fact, that we collect highly sensitive data! Therefore, the survey will be held completely anonymous and the publication of the results will be in such a way, that no conclusions to any individuals or small groups (e.g. small airlines) can be drawn!

The high standards of data protection rules of the University of Cologne apply.